Flexible working distance
The working distance of AM4115TW can be anywhere above 1cm, with different usable magnifications within the range of knob rotating. It can be easy to find the most suitable working distance to cover the intended FOV, while keeping the capability to further magnify it by rotating the knob.
Adaptable cap design
This model features a detachable and interchangeable front cap that extends its range of use, as different caps are available for various applications. Removing the front cap provides greater working distance and access to the full magnification range.
AM4115TW Dino-Lite Edge
With zoom lens operable at magnification 10x-50x, the AM4115TW delivers stunning corner-to-corner sharpness with noticeably large depth-of-field, making it ideal for macro view applications, from industrial, entomology, to dermatology and more.